Our goal is to expose as many young people in York to robotics and engineering, which will encourage students to discover new things in science and technology.

Imagine meeting the 6th grader who wants to become an engineer, simply because he participated in our FLL robotics program. What about the 8th grader who wants to be a scientist because we showed her how to use math to solve problems in real life? We keep our students engaged by bringing science to life and providing new experiences that can change lives.

Just know that your donation today will have a direct impact on our young people in the City of York. We need continued support from the community to keep pushing York forward, one student at a time.

It’s an investment.

Your donation is an investment in our youth and robotics program. You will be helping us to expand our program so that we can reach more students. Just know that when you make this investment, the robots and computers will serve our students for a minimum of 5 years. For every 2 robots and 2 laptops purchased, 20 additional students are able to participate in our after-school program at no cost. That is 100 students over the next 5 years you will be helping with your gift. We thank you for your support!

How does your donation help?

$5 can help towards the purchase of new robots for students to build and program.
$10 helps with the cost of new laptops for programming, research, and presentations.
$25 buys additional spare robot parts to expand robot-building options.
$50 will purchase a robot table to practice robot moves and programs.

2022 Expenditures

Support The Think Fund

All donations are tax-deductible. To donate using a credit, debit, or ACH, use the YMCA’s online donation form and designate your gift to Young Thinkers of York.

To mail a check, please make checks payable to YMCA of the Roses and write Young Thinkers of York – donation on the memo line. Please mail your gift to:

YMCA of the Roses 
90 N Newberry Street
York, PA 17401